Hiking routes


Base de loisirs du Perthuis Churin site du Perthuis Churin 44450 DIVATTE-SUR-LOIRE DIVATTE-SUR-LOIRE

13 km Walking Average - 3 heure(s) 45 mnMTB Average - 2 heure(s)

In the heart of a hilly countryside, natural paths of great beauty


From the car park, turn right on the D 207 and then immediately left. Replace the small road and turn right in the shady path. Can detour left to go see the remains of St. Magdalene Chapel (XIII century). Continue straight, continue along the path between hedge and meadow. Turn left and follow the farm road. At the road, turn right and continue for 600 meters to Little Graholière, cross and continue to reach a tree-lined path. After this, turn right on the road and still continue straight on a road lined with market gardens. Cross the D 105 and whisked straight into the vineyards. Tree level, turn right and left into the path along the hedge. Cross the road to reach the right direction BERRIÈRE. After passing the castle BERRIÈRE, turn right into the driveway along the enclosure. Down the road, continue on the road to the right and after a few meters take a path on the left. Down the road, turn right on the road and immediately left on a road. Continue in the village on the left and turn right towards the Bois Rousseau. A crow's feet, continue right towards the accommodation. Before the turn, take a sunken road on your left. Continue on the path between hedge and fence. Get out in a village along a small pond and reassemble left on the road. Turn left into the vineyards and get involved in a shady path. At the exit of the road, go straight into the vineyards. At the road, turn right and go into the village and turn left a path between a house and a small wall. Continue on the path and go left at the chicane to walk along the fence and join a sunken road. Turn left and go up the road and continue between a farm and fields. Exit left in the village, continue and turn left at the prohibited direction. At the road, cross to walk along the vineyards and left immediately right in the vines. Continue and turn right onto a path. Cross the road and continue straight on a path. On the road, go straight to the village. Turn left at the small Calvary and join a path down to the edge of the Divatte (for ATVs, go straight variant). Walk along it on the right. Go straight, climb up and down very steep stairs. always whisked straight along the Divatte undergrowth and then walk along a meadow. Spend a bridge and continue into the grassy space. Walk along again Divatte, cross-site recreational and join the tee.


  • Buckle

GPX route


  • Tagging: jaune
  • Departure town : DIVATTE-SUR-LOIRE
  • Arrival town: DIVATTE-SUR-LOIRE
  • Difficulties: Walking Average - 3 heure(s) 45 mnMTB Average - 2 heure(s)
  • Dstance: 13 km
  • Type of road surfacing : Mountain bike circuit
  • Type of road surfacing : Promenade et Randonnée (PR) footpath

Points of interest

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